How to Pronounce My Name
- B.S. in Education with Majors in History and Social Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Masters in Liberal Studies (MLS) in Educational Policy and Student & Community Engagement from the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities.
Hometown Info
My Career Story
What’s important to me:
Several years ago I came up with 3 things I wanted to focus on in my life:
- More meaningful connections
- More laughter
- More travel
Personality Typing
My Harry Potter House is Hufflepuff and I am a Pisces.
Interests and Hobbies
When I moved to the Twin Cities, I started playing ultimate frisbee as a way to get out and meet new people. I ended up getting placed on a team with my (now) husband and 20 years later, we still play together and now our teenagers play on our team as well!
I enjoy all things active and outdoors (I love hiking in National Parks, but also love a good run, weight workout, or yoga sesh). I grew up sailing on Lake Superior and adore being near water, especially the ocean. At home I am often doing some art with my kids, gardening, cooking, or reading under a blanket on the couch with my orange cat on my lap.
I am afraid of...
Heights, cockroaches, and the effects of global warming.