The Major Network is a University of Minnesota cross-college network that connects exploring students with upperclass-students who are passionate about their majors.
Exploring students get a firsthand look at what a major is really like. Mentors answer questions about their coursework, internship searches, career goals, and more to help exploring students learn about the major.
Exploring Students
Who should sign up to be a Major Network mentee?
Exploring students who are unsure of their major, but have narrowed down their options and would like specific information from a peer about a few majors of interest.
What to expect when you sign up as a Major Network mentee:
- You will receive an email from the Major Network Coordinator with the name, email, and major of your mentor(s)
- This email will also include a few suggested questions you may want to ask your mentor
- Ideally, mentors will be making the first contact with mentees. If you don’t hear from your mentor within a few days of your initial email, you can reach out to the Major Network Coordinator or reach out to your mentor yourself.
- Once you connect with your mentor, you can start sending your questions via email or schedule a time to meet up with your mentor for an in-person or virtual chat.
How do I join the Network?
What are the preferred qualifications of Mentors?
- Completion of 12+ 3xxx/4xxx upper-division credits in program area (major or minor)
- Completion of 60+ credits total
- 3.0+ cumulative GPA.
What is the time commitment for Mentors?
As a mentor, the time commitment is flexible and varies based on the number of exploring students interested in your major.
Once a mentee has indicated they’re interested in your major, CAPE will provide you with the contact information of the student you’ve been paired with. Then, it is your responsibility to contact the mentee and work together to determine when and in what capacity you’d like to meet.
How do I join the Network?
The Mentee-Mentor Relationship
Your relationship with your mentor can take shape in many different forms. A few examples are:
- Meet over coffee (in-person or virtually)
- Correspond via email to answer your questions
- Attend one of their classes together (with instructor’s permission)
- Attend an event hosted by a student organization related to the major
Important note: Mentors are not academic advisors. Although they are able to provide insight on what their major involves, mentees should still meet with their academic advisor for information about major requirements.