Change of College Coach
Person with light skin and shoulder-length light hair smiles at the camera. They are wearing an orange shirt.

How to Pronounce My Name

Audio file


person wearing orange shirt and black shorts runs on a track


She/Her/Hers and They/Them/Theirs


  • French and International Studies B.A.s at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Educational Psychology M.A. (emphasis Counseling) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

How I chose my major...

I was denied from the School of Music (I wanted to be a saxophone performance major) and I didn’t know what else to do so I joined a First Year Interest group at my school about Nigerian life and culture. I enjoyed learning about cultures and languages around the world and stuck with it because I had no better ideas at the time. I don’t work in anything related to my major but I also regret nothing and would do it all again!

Personality Typing

Myers-Briggs: ISFJ
Enneagram: 2w1
Zodiac: Cancer sun, Scorpio rising, Pisces moon
Strengths: Empathy, Developer, Positivity, Input, Maximizer

Interests & Hobbies

Sewing, baking, slowing down, bicycling, hiking, reading, noticing, gardening, spending time with people I love, being outside.

Favorite TV Show

True Detective: Night Country

Favorite Quote

“To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” - Mary Oliver

Best advice for students exploring majors

Being uncertain about majors and careers can feel uncomfortable when it feels like everyone else has “a plan”. Exploration, while challenging, is a chance to reflect on who you are, what you value, what you enjoy, and what you’re good at. Take the opportunity to slow down, reflect, and explore what is most important to you.

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